
The (ss)sun is shining, the birds are singing and… as a result you have more chances for bird poo to drop on you unexpectedly. In other words, spring sure is pretty and I took some pictures of cherry blossoms for everyone’s enjoyment… because… something about caring 😛

Edit: Because WordPress insists on cutting me pictures (butchering, butchering, I tell you), I added clickable thumbnails, so don’t be shy and clicky 😛


3 Responses to “Spring”

  1. These be prettier than the pictures you sent me!

    I lurve :L

  2. Loves it.

    What camera do you have?

  3. Sherly Holmes Says:

    The camera is a Canon EOS 300D. It’s not great as far as pro cameras go but for my limited (of yet) mastery of photography skills, it works 😛

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